Building Infrastructure to Increase LPG

Building Infrastructure to Increase LPG Penetration.

By championing the use of clean energy the group seeks to contribute to the achievement of the following SDG goals in Ghana.

Climate Change Mitigation (SDG 13 & 15)

The prevalence of solid fuels like wood and charcoal in Ghana leads to inefficiency and high CO2 emissions. The group’s goal is to promote the use of LPG, a cleaner energy source for cooking, to improve air quality. By adopting LPG, fewer greenhouse gases will be emitted, contributing to global climate change mitigation. This initiative will also reduce the demand for solid fuels, protecting forests and preserving biodiversity, especially in rural areas.

Health & Air Quality Improvement (SDG 3)

By helping the transition from traditional energy sources in Ghana to clean cooking technologies that use LPG, the group seeks to help reduce both indoor and outdoor air pollution and reduce respiratory associated illnesses. The main beneficiaries being women and children.

Sustainable Economic Growth (SDG 8)

By building LPG infrastructure and creating other related businesses, Arch holdings creates lots of job opportunities across the regions of Ghana which helps in the creation of sustainable economic growth By prioritizing and investing in clean energy solutions, Arch holdings is helping to create a resilient and sustainable future which ensures better quality of life for both the present and future generations while preserving our planet.